Politics, Elections & Parties

Voter Information

Can I Vote
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Federal Election Commission

Federal, state and local data on campaign finance, lobbying and more

VA State Board of Elections

Virginia ID Requirements for Voting In Person

Vote 411
See What’s On Your Ballot, Check Your Voter Registration, Find Your Polling Place, Discover Upcoming Debates In Your Area

Specific list of IDs that are acceptable for voting in various states

(Don’t know who represents you? Click here!)

The nonprofit Virginia Public Access Project elevates public understanding of politics and government by organizing and presenting information in ways that are easily accessible and free of partisan bias. Includes access to information about upcoming elections

Who’s My Legislator
Online tool to determine legislators who represent each district. Users can enter their home address or use map based navigation to see their Virginia House and Senate representatives, as well as those in the U.S. House and Senate.


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